Teaching and Technology

Teaching is one of my passions!
I love that feeling of fulfillment when you see your students perform, show off what they have learned, and feel as if they have conquered all. That specific feeling is the one that makes all the work be worthwhile.
Today this work and passion have come a different path because the students and teachers not only share some space and information, now they have new interesting tools, that for better or for worse, are right there everywhere we look. Instruments like computers, Internet, and other technology. Therefore, these new tools must be included in the day to day planning. Why?
Because by the use of these tools students will understand that they are part of a new age to which they have to be part of. An era that they are living right now. For example, students from elementary to university have technological devices that allow them to be different from students ten years ago. You know how common it is!!! We must face it and use it so that technology as an advantage and not the opposite.
I enjoy this part of teaching because you get to be a participant of their process and their learning. And after some time students will appreciate all this help! So, I believe that we must be passionate about our jobs and jump into the new age with our students! 


  1. Hey, you did a great job!!! Congrats!

  2. Hi Gloriela

    Thank you for inviting me as a reader. You have fulfilled all the requirements for assigment 1. Keep going!

    "Work and play are words used to describe the same thing under differing conditions."
    Mark Twain

    Carolina Hernández Chávez


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